How To Score Maximum Marks In Class 12th

class 12 books

All students find board exams difficult. This exam is crucial in determining the future of the candidate. Students feel a great deal of fear when exam dates are announced. Student counsellors say that being nervous won’t solve any problem. It is better to prepare for exams than get scared and anxious.

These are some essential and practical tips to ensure you get high marks on exams.

Tip 1 – Keep challenging yourself to do better

You are the most significant competitor. Do your best to improve on the last time. Exams are a challenge. You scored 50% in your last exam. Try to score 60% in the next exam. Be better than the previous percentage, and aim for higher scores. Instead of focusing on individual subject marks, aim for an overall percentage increase. This will allow you to identify the areas that need improvement and increase your scores and percentage.

Tip 2 – Keep a positive attitude throughout the day

It is essential to keep a positive outlook at all times. This attitude will help you to overcome many problems. Positive attitudes are crucial to maintaining confidence and help you pass the most difficult exams. A positive attitude and confidence can make it easier to crack the most challenging interviews.

Tip 3: It is essential to have a main syllabus book

Many of us spend a lot of time reading the many reference books available on each topic. These books are essential for understanding the subject better and easier. However, most students neglect the main syllabus book and instead rely on the reference books. Experts advise that it is best to stick to the primary syllabus and read all the information in the book. Students who do well in exams often keep to the syllabus class 12 books, as they can understand its true meaning. The syllabus book is the only source of board questions.

Tip 4: Focus on the English paper

Exams are used to determine which streams students will choose for Class XII. These streams each have their subjects, and students can choose according to their preferences. These subjects can be combined with language subjects in English or another language. Students often ignore the English paper, which could lead to a drop in the overall percentage. You should prepare for all subjects and give the English paper equal importance.

Tip 5 – Work more on weaker areas

You might be very good at chemistry and Physics if you’ve taken the Science stream. You should identify your weak points and work on them to improve the overall percentage. Students don’t like to be in weak subjects, which is the biggest mistake. Instead of avoiding the subject, find the weak points and work to improve them.

Tip 6 – Time management is critical

The 12th exam is the most difficult you’ll ever have to take. Get ready for it. One important aspect of board exam preparation is time management. You should have a daily routine that you follow. This will increase your marks significantly. When your mind is awake, study subjects you are interested in. For studies, you should dedicate at least 8 hours per day. Each subject should receive equal time so that all subjects are covered.