How to Help Your Child Prepare for the NAPLAN Test

naplan test preparation

The NAPLAN test may seem daunting, but with proper preparation, your child can be confident on test day. If you are wondering about the most effective ways to assist your child with NAPLAN test preparation, keep reading to learn more about NAPLAN and how you can prepare your child for the test. 

Typically, NAPLAN tests are taken by Year 5, 7, and 9 students. The tests include Reading Comprehension, writing, Language Conventions, and Numeracy. For the NAPLAN test, students are not given scores but rather shown where they stand relative to the national and school average. The highest band for Year 5 is band 8, Year 7 is band 9, and Year 9 is band 10. For years 5, and 7, students can be ranked in the triangle, which means they are higher than any band. 

The Naplan test mainly gauges students’ knowledge, skills, and abilities over an extended amount of time without including any specific subjects that students need to study. However, students may seem overwhelmed ahead of taking the test. Since it examines their understanding and advancement in literacy and numeracy, you must prepare your child properly. Some ways in which you can ensure your child’s preparation for the NAPLAN include

  • Help Your Child in Making a Study Plan

Planning a study schedule will help your child have enough time to study for the NAPLAN test exam. It will wash away their tension and some of the stress. Making a study plan best works when you have the exams’ scheduled dates.   NAPLAN preparation does not need a whole heap of study time. Set aside some off days to alleviate exam pressure.

  • Communicate With Teachers

Another essential tip for NAPLAN test preparation is establishing frequent communication with your child’s teacher. It will build a positive relationship at school and home, improving your child’s academic performance. Since teachers are trained and have experience with NAPLAN and students, communicating with them can lead to invaluable insights. They also understand the test’s formatting and can help you if you have any questions about it, which will help you figure out study areas where your child needs extra help.

  • Do Not Put So Much Pressure on Your Child

Most parents would think the NAPLAN test puts a lot of pressure on their children, causing anxiety. While children are prone to face the normal nervousness associated with sitting for a test, it’s essential not to put much pressure on them and help them manage stress to avoid unnecessary anxiety. As your child may be stressed, there’s an opportunity for relevant skills and resilience needed to help them face stress challenges. In addition to that, you can train your child to practice calming techniques before and during the NAPLAN test exam.


The NAPLAN test is not designed as a pass or fail type of test, even though it can be scary for your child as it’s tested yearly. While preparing, you must ensure you are equipped with the fundamental skills in literacy and numeracy. Awareness of exam techniques will also help you build confidence and do your best.