Cancer – Things to Know About This Malignant Ailment

Cancer - Things to Know About This Malignant Ailment

Cancer is a serious disease that can affect any body part. If left untreated, it can lead to death. In this article, we will provide you with some basic information about cancer and its symptoms so that you can better understand what to look for and how to deal with it if you are concerned about your health.

What is Cancer?

Cancer is a malignant disease that affects cells in the body. Cells that become cancerous divide without limit and can invade other tissues, leading to death. Cancer is the most common cause of death in the United States. There are many types of cancer, but they all share some common features.

The different types

Cancer is a malignant disease that arises from cells in the body. The most common types of cancer are skin, breast, ovarian, and prostate. Cancer can occur anywhere in the body. There are over 100 different types of cancer.

Cancer cells grow and spread quickly. Cancer can occur at any stage of development, but it is more common in older adults. Cancer may be detected by screening tests or when it causes symptoms. Treatment depends on the type and stage of cancer. If cancer is caught early, it can be treated with surgery, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy. If cancer is not caught early, it can spread to other parts of the body and cause death.

Risk factors

Cancer is a disease in which abnormal cells in the body grow and spread. There are many risk factors for cancer, but only a small number of these cause most cases. Some common risk factors include:

Age – Cancer rates are highest in adults over 50.

Gender – Women are more likely to develop cancer than men, but the incidence rates are rising in both genders.

Race – African Americans and Native Americans have a higher incidence rate of some types of cancer, such as leukemia and lung cancer, compared to other races.

Family history – If you have a family history of cancer, you’re at increased risk of developing it yourself.

Smoking – Smoking cigarettes increases your risk of developing many types of cancer, including lung cancer.

Preventive measures

Cancer is a growing problem, and we don’t always know what causes it. However, there are things we can do to prevent it. Here are some tips:

1. Eat a balanced diet. Avoid processed foods and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.

2. Exercise regularly. This helps keep your body healthy and reduces the risk of cancer.

3. Reduce your exposure to sunlight. Ultraviolet radiation from the sun can damage your skin and increase your risk of cancer. Wear sunscreen when you go outside, and avoid tanning beds.

4. Get regular checkups. See your doctor for an examination if you notice any changes in your body that you don’t understand. He or she may be able to diagnose you with cancer early if it’s not too advanced yet.

Diagnosing cancer

It’s important to know what to look for when diagnosing cancer, as early detection can improve your chances of survival. Here are five things to keep in mind:

1. Check your body for any changes. See a doctor if you experience unusual lumps or bumps on your body. These could be the early stages of cancer.

2. Get a checkup. Cancer often appears as a change in your expected exam results, such as an increase in the size or number of tumors, changes in your blood flow, or the appearance of scars from previous surgery.

3. Get screened for cancer regularly. Regular screenings can help detect cancer early, when treatment is more likely to be successful.

4. Ask questions. If you have any questions about your diagnosis or prognosis, don’t hesitate to ask your doctor or health care professional. They’re specially trained to help you understand cancer and its treatment options.


Cancer is a malignant disease that originates from cells in the body. It can occur anywhere but most commonly affects the liver, lungs, prostate, and breast.

The five major types of cancer are:

  • Lung cancer
  • Colorectal cancer
  • Ovarian cancer
  • Brain cancer
  • Leukemia

There is no single cause of cancer, but it is usually caused by the presence of abnormal cells that can grow uncontrollably.

Cancer treatment typically involves surgery to remove the abnormal cells and/or radiation therapy or chemotherapy to kill them.


Cancer is a deadly disease; despite advances in treatment, there is no cure currently available. However, many people can survive cancer with early detection and the right treatments.

This article provides an overview of cancer, including its causes, symptoms, and treatments.

Furthermore, you should discuss any subsequent therapy or questions about the illness with the best cancer doctor in Delhi NCR.