Why You Should Start Your Day with Peanut Butter Banana Oatmeal


If you’re looking for a delicious and nutritious way to start your day, look no further than oatmeal with peanut butter and banana! This recipe is packed with protein and fiber, keeping you feeling full until lunchtime. Plus, it’s super easy to make- you need a bowl, a spoon, and a few minutes of your time.

How to prepare oatmeal with peanut butter and banana?

To prepare this tasty breakfast, combine rolled oats, milk, peanut butter, and banana in a bowl. Microwave for 1-2 minutes or until the oats are cooked through. Stir occasionally. Serve and enjoy!

Why is this oatmeal so healthy?

This oatmeal is an excellent option for breakfast because it is packed with nutrients that will help you start your day off right. Rolled oats are a good source of fiber, while milk and peanut butter provide protein. Bananas are a good source of potassium, an essential electrolyte mineral. All these ingredients work together to provide lasting energy throughout the morning hours.

Is it healthy to add sugar to oatmeal?

If you find that your oatmeal needs a little sweetness, feel free to add a touch of honey or brown sugar. However, adding sugar is unnecessary as the banana and peanut butter will provide natural sweetness.

Are peanut butter, banana, and oatmeal good for weight loss?

Yes, this oatmeal is a great option if you want to lose weight. The fiber in the oats will help keep you feeling full, while the protein and healthy fats will help to maintain your energy levels. That recipe is also relatively low in calories, making it a great breakfast or snack time option.

Peanut butter cookies buying guide

What kind of peanut butter should I use?

For this recipe, we recommend using natural peanut butter. Natural peanut butter is made with peanuts and salt- no sugar or other additives. This type of peanut butter is the healthiest option and will allow the natural sweetness of the banana to shine through.

What type of oats should I use?

We recommend using rolled oats for this recipe. Rolled oats are also known as old-fashioned oats. They have been steamed and rolled, making them thinner than other types of oats like steel-cut or quick oats.

Can I use a different type of milk?

Yes, you can use any type of milk in this recipe. However, we find that using non-dairy milk like almond or soy milk gives the oatmeal a creamier texture.

Do I have to use a microwave?

No, you don’t have to use a microwave for cooking this oatmeal. You can cook it on the stovetop by bringing the milk and oats to a boil and then reducing the heat to simmer until the oats are cooked. Just be sure to stir occasionally, so the oats don’t stick to the bottom of the pot.

If you’re looking for a delicious and nutritious way to start your day, look no further than peanut butter banana oatmeal! This recipe is packed with protein and fiber, keeping you feeling full until lunchtime. Plus, it’s super easy to make- you need a bowl, a spoon, and a few minutes of your time.