The Role of Video Advertising in Promoting a Businesses and Brands


As technology is evolving each day, and people around the world are getting new content to consume every day on the internet, the video seems to constantly top the charts. This is barely surprising. Hectic and busy lifestyles are becoming conducive to formats that let the people consume information on the move in more accessible and condensed ways than blocks of text.

Thus, in the last few years, the use of video advertising has reached a new level. Firms such as ForeMedia are providing a great platform to many brands and creators with advanced video advertising solutions. Video advertising is the process of showing ads either inside video content-usually before, after, or during a video stream, also known as pre-roll, post-roll, or mid-roll – or as standalone ads. A larger number of video ads are sold, bought, and displayed programmatically with the use of effective targeting methods. Let’s have a look at some of the important benefits of video advertising on dumpor

Sales Generation and Conversion

Video advertising is excellent for converting and generating sales leads. Video ads are punctual to the consumer to go to a specific website and purchase the product. So it is vital to keep the video ads short and simple. A video ad is a close and eye-catchy message that can offer great value to users. Non-disruptive ads can also help marketers to bring more customers towards their services and products. It is vital to incorporate a firm call to action in the video advertisement. Video ads can also be used to make trust among the consumers of a specific brand. 

The use of video ads in the description of the product can boost sales by more than 40%. Consumers tend to easily remember the video ads they consume online within a month. More than 42% of people buy a product after watching a video about it. 

They Are Easily Shareable

Consumers like to share videos they watched with their family and friends. They generally share videos that they find very useful and informative. Nearly 90% of the videos that are shared regularly on social media platforms are useful and contain some informative content forbes. It is also one of the easiest and most effective ways of reaching the target audience about cnn business news.  

With the use of advanced advertising methods such as video advertising, a business or brand can generate its sales and leads in an organic way. A platform such as ForeMedia is a great way for many African people out there to promote their businesses and brands komo news.