Milwaukee Giving a Tough Fight to COVID-19


In the time of need and chaos, everyone has a different reaction. The local government, non-profit organizations, public health, and the community of Milwaukee have come together to fight this pandemic. The people must keep in mind that the real human spirit must not die.

Milwaukee Unified Emergency Operations Center (UEOC) has launched the HealthyMKE website. This website is a digital hub for the COVID-19 vaccine and it gives trusted information regarding health resources. You can read about Covid-19 vaccination program long-term care facilities in Milwaukee on this website. The UEOC looks after the finances of HelathyMKE and it is maintained by a local Black, and a women-owned communications agency.

HelathyMKE is the most trusted website and gives you the best information possible. You can check the vaccine eligibility and the locations where the vaccination drive is going on. This website also provides you the locations for the COVID-19 testing. It is very important to know and have all the information if it is about your health, HelathyMKE has a section over the website where you can read FAQs and also download some valuable information.

The lists of services do not end here but you can book or register yourself to get vaccinated. You can book a free UBER to reach the vaccination center, and if you have any difficulty leaving your home then you can also book in-Home Services.

The mere availability of information is not enough but real-time and updated information is important. The developers and the people who maintain this website keep only updated information on the website. Through HealthyMKE you have access to and reach 11 municipal health department websites, which are Milwaukee, Greendale, Cudahy, Franklin, Greenfield, Hales Corners, North Shore, West Allis, Wauwatosa, Oak Creek, and South Milwaukee. This website is available in three languages, which are English, Spanish and Hmong, which makes this website accessible to more people and hence increased participation.

This website also encourages people with webinars, podcasts, and email/text alerts who register themselves to receive COVID-19 vaccine updates. You can also contact to seek assistance over the chat. They also have an insurance saver option where you can get detailed information regarding your eligibility to any insurance service, best suited for your family.

A broad coalition of local government, non-profit, health care, public health, and community organizations is launching a comprehensive multi-media and grassroots campaign designed to help empower residents to make informed choices when it comes to getting vaccinated. With the help of this website, the local government has been able to run Covid-19 vaccination program long-term care facilities in Milwaukee.

The UEOC has helped to maintain coordination between business communities, local government, and health care departments so that there could be a more efficient response to this chaotic situation.