Everything About Free Legal Help For Renters


Are you looking for free legal help for renter? In Milwaukee, we aid families in danger of eviction by connecting them with free legal representation and other services.

We appreciate the importance of a secure home for families and do everything we can to help them keep theirs. Evictions have numerous far-reaching consequences, and we are aware of them. Keeping this in mind, we have committed to providing the necessary legal aid to individuals and families in Milwaukee County who fall at or below 200% of the federal poverty limits and are attempting to navigate the eviction process.

Approaches To Providing For Families

Since we doubt anybody wants to be evicted, we assume most individuals are unaware of the procedure, their rights, and the consequences. To make sure families get help in the following areas:

  • Trials in front of judges
  • Meaning of the law regarding evictions
  • Compromise with the property owners

Our mission is to provide families at risk of eviction with the resources and advocacy they need to weather this storm. We want to eliminate the fact that less than 3% of people in Milwaukee County who are up for eviction have legal counsel. We’re here to support the people of Milwaukee County and see that they get the legal help they need to save their homes and prevent eviction. Nobody anticipates having to go through a removal, in our opinion. This means many individuals can go through the procedure without knowing their rights or what might happen to them. Free legal services for low-income Milwaukee families are provided by the Legal Aid Society of Milwaukee, which backs the EvictionFreeMKE initiative. Assistance with presentation, understanding, and resolution is available to families.

Our staffs strives to inform tenants of their legal protections and responsibilities in housing matters, both in the present and future. We will be at your side throughout the process and in court. It may be difficult to navigate the eviction process without a firm grasp of the jargon and the meaning of each phrase used. We are here to provide a hand by explaining your eviction notice and the legal process to you. To paraphrase a lawyer’s cliche, we are here to help you translate legal jargon. At the end of your case, we want you to come out ahead, too. We will help facilitate this process so all parties can reach a swift and mutually beneficial settlement.

What does it mean for you to mitigate, and what is mitigation?

Property owners may mitigate to help existing renters, and prospective tenants avoid eviction. Mitigation occurs when a property owner helps a tenant figure out a plan to pay a past-due rent payment.

There is a two-way street between your rights and duties as a renter. Know what you’re supposed to do as a renter? In such case, consider the following:

Tenant rent payments must be made on time. First, if you fail to pay your rent by the due date, your landlord may evict you for that reason (within the parameters of their regulations, of course).

Always make sure the property is clean and secure. Property owners have a right to anticipate that their properties will be well cared for by their renters. Therefore, it is important to include this expectation in any lease you sign with your property owner.