Reasons Why Should You Wear Lingerie Slip

lingerie slip

Why should you bother wearing a slip? If you think slips are old-fashioned undergarments reserved for grandmothers, it’s time to think again! As it turns out, slips are extremely practical undergarments, helping to keep your favorite dresses clean and looking their best. Here is a compiled list of reasons you should reconsider wearing lingerie slips, and some of them might even surprise you!

Keep your legs from sticking to your skirt fabric.

This is a big favorite because you know that flowy, full skirts and textured sweater dresses are always on-trend in the cool autumn months. Do you know that feeling when your legs start to gobble up the skirt fabric as you walk, leading to chafing, riding up, and that awkward static-cling look? Even if you aren’t wearing a particularly full skirt, garments like snug wool dresses can cause the fabric to grab onto your tights and bunch up madly!

If you hate tugging at and adjusting your clothes all day long, silk slip is the perfect solution: It provides a snug, smooth layer between your skirt and your legs (or tights), which keeps your top layer dress in place with free movement. No matter how much running around you do, the slip will keep everything right where it ought to be!

Add a layer under a semi-sheer outfit.

This is the classic “just like mother said” reason for a slip, but that doesn’t mean you should discount it. Even if your dress is only somewhat translucent, you may find that it shows more of your underwear in direct sunlight than you’d like – and a poorly lit room indoors doesn’t always tell the whole story. For best results, choose a lingerie slip that’s something close to your skin tone. 

For a peek of lace – and prevent wardrobe malfunctions.

Who says your slip is never to be seen by anyone? When you choose a slip with a little hint of lace at the neckline or hem, you can create a subtle innerwear-as-outerwear look. Pair it with a low neckline blouse or cardigan or a dress that’s just a pinch too short, and you’ll be perfectly styled for a special occasion. If your skirt accidentally flips up or swishes a little higher than you’d like over a subway grate (hey, it happens!), your slip will be there to rescue you.

Life is too short to wear ugly pyjamas!

Why settle for plain cotton PJs when you can lounge around at home in silk!? So why invest only in the clothes that other people will see, often relegating old and shabby clothes for home and bedtime? It would be best to treat yourself better than that, including a little indulgence in beautiful sleepwear.

Nothing is more glamorous than snuggling up with a good book or a furry best friend in your favourite silk slip! You should be wearing the finest fabrics and laces against your skin to sleep in. Since you may toss and turn in your sleep, you won’t want the clothing to feel restrictive, so that a larger size will give you more freedom of movement.

Hope this will provide ample inspiration to get your imagination running with slip ideas! When you’re ready to expand your loungewear wardrobe with a little bit of everyday luxury, view the collection of lingerie slip.