Looking for a dentist in Rockland County, NY? Here is the solution


Visiting the dentist every six months may not be the appointment that everyone looks forward to, but it is one of the most important ones to keep, says the dentist in Rockland County NY. If you have found yourself wondering about the point of having regular dental checkups and cleanings, the dentist in Rockland County NY got something for you to think about.

If you are considering skipping a dental checkup because of cost or another factor like time or dental anxiety, make sure to consider all the risks. What you might end up paying in the long run for not visiting your dentist will likely be much higher, both for your wallet and your peace of mind. Here are some of the most important reasons why you should see your dentist regularly:

Oral Cancer Detection

Oral cancer is an extremely serious disease that manifests itself in various ways. Without knowing the signs of its early onset, oral cancer is often not diagnosed and can quickly progress and become life-threatening. But thankfully, an early stage oral cancer diagnosis is often easily treatable.

Your dentist in Rockland County NY is highly trained to recognize these signs and symptoms. With regular dental checkups every six months, the likelihood of catching oral cancer in time is dramatically higher. Recognizing oral cancer in its early stages is key in treating it successfully, and while you may not notice oral abnormalities, your dentist will.

Plaque, Tartar, and Cavities

Even with the most diligent daily brushers and flossers, small areas in the mouth are missed by regular brushing and flossing. When plaque builds up, it becomes more difficult to remove, solidifying and turning into tartar, which is extremely difficult to get rid of without professional help.

Regular dental cleanings prevent tartar from eroding teeth or creating holes in them, which is how cavities are created. Cavities rarely give any warning signs as they form, resulting in a small ache once the tooth is decayed. Once the damage has been done, you will have to go back to the dentist to have cavities and other tooth problems filled and fixed. This can all be avoided with regular cleanings that take care of plaque and tartar before it becomes destructive.

Gum Disease

Plaque and tartar buildup not only cause tooth decay but can also erode the mouth’s gum tissues. This happens when tartar buildup causes an infection where the gum is connected to the tooth, making the gum pull away from the tooth. This infection is known as gingivitis, and as it progresses, the tissue that attaches gums to the teeth breaks down. The dentist in Rockland County NY can help you heal gum diseases with the treatments they provide.

Keeping Bad Habits in Check

Many bad habits can harm your oral health, some of which you may not even realize are causing issues. Some of these habits include chewing ice, biting your nails, clenching your jaw, grinding your teeth, eating particularly sticky or hard sweets, brushing your teeth too hard, drinking coffee and red wine, and of course, smoking.

When you go for regular dental checkups, your dentist can check for any oral damage caused by these or other habits you may otherwise not have noticed. Being informed about specific destructive habits allows you to change or alter your lifestyle to prevent further damage.

Find Problems Under the Surface With X-Rays

Every six months, a crucial part of visiting your dentist in Rockland County NY is getting your teeth and jaw bone x-rayed. X-ray images allow dental professionals to see what is happening beneath the surfaces of your mouth and can find and diagnose issues that may be invisible to the naked eye. Problems like this can include impacted teeth, which are growing teeth that are blocked from pushing through the gum line, as often seen in wisdom teeth.

Dentists and dental professionals are not only concerned with fixing teeth. They professionally clean your teeth, aim to ensure your teeth and gums are healthy and check for abnormalities that may otherwise go unnoticed and could be a sign of larger health issues. The dentist in Rockland County NY makes sure that your bones are strong and will help you correct any habits that may be sabotaging your oral health, among other things.