Jack Dorsey

Twitter is walking into a minefield with its political ads ban

Twitter just released the first iteration of its policies banning political ads — and appears to have changed course...
Polish author Olga Tokarczuk

Why this year’s doubleheader Nobel Prize for literature is so controversial

Olga Tokarczuk and Peter Handke have won the Nobel Prize for literature. Handke’s win is complicated.
Elián Gonzalez

Why the Elián Gonzalez saga resonates 20 years later

How a 5-year-old Cuban boy set off an international custody battle and media spectacle. Twenty...
opinion leader

Do We Listen To Opinion Leaders?

Are there leaders in everyday life? A long body of literature argues that a small number of individuals have...
polio virus

WHO just declared another polio virus strain eradicated. There’s one more to go.

Once a leading killer of children, polio has nearly been wiped out by a global vaccination effort.
boost your mental health

What is mindful working and how can it boost your mental health?

Five steps to becoming more aware at work, which will result in better concentration and control
Regular exercise

Fitness: How to change a sedentary lifestyle

When we learn movement as children, we harness our metabolic capacity. But as we discontinue it as adults, the...
Rachel Held Evans died

How progressive Christian blogger Rachel Held Evans changed everything

She broke ground for women in the church — even ones who didn’t agree with her.
pursuit of wisdom

Why wisdom can’t be taught

In the pursuit of wisdom, executives may find themselves taking off their masks to become truly authentic and reflective...

5 reasons why the shrinking GDP isn’t a reason to panic

The US GDP fell at an annual rate of 2.9 percent in the first quarter, its slowest rate of...

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