Anosh Ahmed | A leader who instilled trust in those he worked with


“The things you regret most in life are the risks you didn’t take.” as quoted by an anonymous author, stands true even today. As an entrepreneur, it is essential to believe in yourself. Self-confidence is the first step to success. However, sometimes it doesn’t come naturally. So, is there any method to train you to believe in your success?

And the answer is yes. You can train yourself and boost your self-confidence. People who genuinely believe in themselves live a life of high achievements. Please find a single successful person who doesn’t sincerely believe in themself, says Dr. Anosh Ahmed.

Indeed, trusting your capabilities is the key to making a change, and success starts there. An entrepreneur should believe in himself and his business ideas. Dr. Anosh Ahmed has included a few measures you can implement and see how success becomes a reality in your life.

Start Believing in Yourself

Believing in your abilities is an essential factor for the success of any business venture. It is undoubtedly better to be cautious about the growth of our business—entrepreneurs who are prepared to take risks for their business to succeed and start believing in themselves.

Failure is one of the prime reasons why most entrepreneurs disbelieve in their capabilities. They get stuck in a situation where they fail and keep thinking about it. On the other hand, successful entrepreneurs overlook failure and find ways to the road to success. They pay no attention to how many times they failed at something. They keep on doing what they want to achieve.

As an entrepreneur and business owner, you will probably fail and experience loss at some point. Still, there is nothing wrong with that. Every successful business has gone through a phase where they failed to achieve what they decided. But, when your confidence is strong, no failure or obstruction can stop you from moving towards your goals. All you need to do is to believe in yourself.

Here are a few things you can do to start believing in yourself.

Count your wins

It is undoubtedly challenging to control our minds against negative emotions. As human beings, you all have a natural tendency to get stuck in a negative situation and constantly think about the losses you made. Instead, one should start counting the small wins you achieved and find all good from whatever you did, says Dr. Anosh Ahmed.

You should start maintaining a personal diary where you will note each and every win at the end of each day. You can write down successes from yesterday, last week, last month, or even prior. It is not essential when you achieve or win something, but the key is recording all of your wins. By doing this, you will realize that you have done something incredible in the past, and it will bring a sense of joy.

Eventually, it will help you remind about your achievements and help you achieve bigger things in the future. No matter big or small, count your wins.

Speak with yourself as champion

Very few understand the power of belief. As the best-selling author Jon Gordon says, “Talk to yourself more than you listen to yourself” try talking to yourself daily. The human mind is susceptible to negativity more than positive thoughts.

The slight positive ray of hope gets clouded by the negativity, which your brain churns out frequently. The fact that your brain is receptive to negative thoughts is scary. Many have devised a solution for this. But optimism comes from within, and when the process is not natural, one needs to induce the same. The easiest and most effective way is by talking to yourself. But it is also essential to keep a check on our words. One must make sure they feel better and not bitter after the self-talk.

Talk like a champion and not a victim because if we don’t believe in ourselves, no one will ever. The people who have been able to set a benchmark in this world have trusted the incredible power of belief.

Start networking with other entrepreneurs.

Developing a relationship with other entrepreneurs directly or through your smartphone is essential. It is always helpful when you have mentors and peers around you. Try to be surrounded by intelligent and enthusiastic people. By doing so, you will get an opportunity to learn how proven entrepreneurs think and get succeed by believing in them.

Interact with customers/clients

Listening actively to your customers is an effective way to get feedback. You will understand how your customers feel about you and your business. It will provide some valid reasons to help you believe in your ultimate success. Furthermore, you will develop your venture to suit customer needs.

Undoubtedly taking the jump into entrepreneurship is exciting. And staying confident, positive, and optimistic about your business is the key to success. Understanding the incredible power of believing in yourself will help you become confident and ultimately help you become a great entrepreneur.