What is Naturopathic Medicine?

Naturopathic Medicine Wenatchee, WA

The practice of Naturopathic Medicine Wenatchee, WA is a practice that uses natural remedies to aid the body recover itself. It encompasses a variety of therapies such as massage, herbal exercises, acupuncture, and nutritional counseling.

Naturopathy came to the United States from Germany in the 1800s. Nowadays, it blends traditional methods with the benefits of contemporary scientific research. However, specific treatments are more than a century old.

How Does It How Does It

The purpose of naturopathic medical treatment is to heal the entire person, including the body, mind, and spirit. It also strives to address the root of the disease — not simply treat the symptoms.

A Naturopathic physician can take between 1 and two hours to review you. They’ll ask about your medical past, stress, and lifestyle choices. They might also request laboratory tests.

After that, they’ll typically discuss your health plan. You may use complementary therapies such as herbal medicine, homeopathy, and acupuncture, as well as naturopathic therapies. Naturopathic medicine focuses on prevention and education, so your doctor could provide you with exercises, diet, or tips for managing stress. They can also use touch, like massage or pressure to help create harmony within your body. This is referred to as naturopathic manipulative therapy.

Who does it?

Some practice naturopathic medicine in clinics, hospitals, community centers, and private offices. They are divided into three categories and are different in their education and background:

  • Naturopathic doctors are often referred to as naturopathic physicians (ND), also known as doctors of natural medicina (NMD). They typically go to an accredited four-year graduate school. The school teaches fundamental sciences similar to those that are taught in traditional medical schools. They also study psychology, nutrition, and other complementary therapies, such as homeopathy and herbal medicine. Certain states or territories require naturopathic physicians to be licensed. This means they must take an examination to become licensed and attend continuing education classes.
  • Traditional Naturopaths: These doctors do not attend an accredited naturopathic medical school nor get a license. Their education is varied.
  • Healthcare providers Certain medical doctors, dentists, chiropractors, osteopathy doctors, and nurses are trained in the field of naturopathic medicine. Most are NDs or have studied naturopathy.

Before you choose a naturopathic doctor, be sure to inquire about their educational or professional training and the licensing requirements for your state.

Keep Your Doctor in the Loop’

Some naturopathic remedies have been proven to cause side consequences and dangers:

  • Vitamins and supplements (vitamin or herbal) can interfere with prescription drugs. Specific vitamins can increase the risk of developing a disease such as cancer when taken in large doses.
  • The use of spinal adjustments is a component of naturopathic manipulative treatment. Your doctor may apply pressure on your spinal column. This could cause damage to the arteries, nerves, bones, and spinal discs. In rare instances, it could result in a stroke.
  • Detox diets are treatments intended to eliminate your body from toxins. They require the elimination of certain foods or even fasting. It is when you go for long periods without eating. If you’re on a diet for a prolonged period, you’re at risk of not getting enough nutrients. This could be risky for those with chronic diseases, such as diabetes.

Inform your doctor if you’re contemplating trying naturopathy. They’ll ensure that they’re safe and won’t affect other medications you’re taking. It is not advisable to stop or delay the treatment you receive from your regular doctor because of naturopathic treatment.

Who can benefit from it?

It could be a viable alternative for those who could not be able to treat for their chronic condition through traditional treatments.

Sometimes, it is possible to use traditional and naturopathic remedies to cure a disease. For instance, naturopathic treatment could help lessen the adverse effect of chemotherapy. However, it is essential to inform your physician about any naturopathic treatment you’re taking. It would help if you also informed your naturopathic doctor about any regular medication. This way, both doctors will work together to improve your health.