Website Design Glasgow – Essential Features of a Mobile-Friendly Website


With the Internet becoming more and more commonplace, many people are interested in finding a way to make their website work more effectively. For this reason, many companies have created websites which are designed to be user-friendly. While the design of your site should be easy to use, you should also be sure that your website design Glasgow includes a number of essential features. These include a search function, mobile-friendly design, and an enquiry system.


With the rise of mobile devices, more people access the Internet via smartphones and tablets than ever before. This makes it important to have a mobile-friendly website. There are a few things you need to consider to make your website mobile-friendly.

Having a mobile-friendly site is one of the most effective ways to boost your brand online. Whether you run your own business or work for a company, you’ll want to invest in creating a mobile-friendly website.

Mobile-responsive design involves reformatting the text and images to fit the screen size of a smaller device. It allows the user to zoom in or out, or switch between desktop and mobile views.

While a mobile-responsive site may appear more user-friendly, it can also lose some of its functionality. For example, images may need touch-ups and navigation can be more difficult than on a desktop. Rather than building a separate mobile site, some companies have created apps that can provide better functionality and security.

Choosing a professional website design Glasgow will ensure that your website is both search engine friendly and user-friendly. By keeping SEO in mind, your website will attract the right visitors and convert them into customers.

Google recently added a mobile-friendly label to search results. If your site is not mobile-friendly, you risk losing traffic and falling behind your competitors.

Designing for a mobile-responsive website requires a clear approach and pinpointed strategy. Here are some tips to help you create a mobile-friendly site that is easy to use and provides a good user experience.

Besides designing a mobile-friendly website, it’s also important to test it in real-life situations. The more time you spend testing, the less likely you’ll have to make a mistake in production.


When it comes to creating a website, the most common option for many people is to hire a professional web designer. Whether you have a small business or run an online store, a well-designed website will make you appear more credible and will improve your chances of attracting customers.

The best web designs will be optimized for a variety of devices and viewports. This allows for easier navigation and helps users to find and engage with information. If a website is designed properly, it will also make it easier for search engines to index your site.

Search engines like Google are now rewarding sites with high usability scores. That’s because a responsive design gives users a positive experience and encourages them to stay. With an excellent design, potential customers will be more likely to convert to paying customers.

A well-designed, responsive website will improve your rankings on search engines and help you to reach your marketing goals. It can also boost your sales. For example, if you have an eCommerce website, a responsive design will ensure that your products are viewed in the most convenient manner possible.

As more and more people use mobile devices to access the internet, a responsive website is becoming the standard. These websites will automatically adjust to different viewports.

To create a responsive web design in Glasgow, you can seek out the services of a professional web design company. They can offer you a variety of services, including SEO, graphic design, content management and much more. You can also build your own website if you have a little knowledge of HTML and CSS.

Having a professional web design company create your website is one of the most effective ways to ensure that it will look great across all devices. Not only will it be easier for users to navigate and locate information, it will also be faster.

Search function

The search function is a very important element in website design. Having a well-designed and functional search function can increase your website’s visibility and visitor engagement. It also enables you to display products that fit the needs of your customers.

A good search function will not only allow you to showcase relevant content, but will also improve your overall website’s SEO. Search functions typically feature a hit list, which is an excellent way to present a product that meets a user’s needs.

A good search function will also support features such as Autocomplete and Mixed-language hit lists. This will improve the user’s overall experience and increase the odds of him or her making a purchase.

A search function in the right context is an important piece of functionality in any online shop. For instance, visitors looking for a perfume will likely want to be directed to the proper page rather than being presented with a generic list of products. Also, if you are a company that sells many products, it would be a great idea to include a search function in your design.

In addition to a search function, you should consider other features such as a newsletter subscription system, detailed case studies and full integration with social media platforms. These are all elements that will help your website stand out amongst its competition.

Providing a search function is not as difficult as you might think. All it takes is some planning and some resources. Most Content Management Systems offer some form of search function. However, not all of these systems have the best features. To choose the right one, you need to think like your customers.

Enquiry system

Enquiry management system is an automated tool that helps you keep track of inquiries received on your website or other platforms. It also helps you to better handle and respond to these enquiries. This can help you to improve customer satisfaction and boost your sales in the process.

There are several types of enquiry management systems on the market. Some are free while others require you to pay for a subscription. The free versions can have limitations. Regardless of what you choose, it is important to find an enquiry management system that works for you.

A good enquiry management system can save you a lot of time. You can also use it to classify and segregate your inquiries. This will help you to make better sales forecasts and prevent your inquiries from falling through the cracks.

There are many features in an enquiry management system, but the best and most advanced is likely the one that is designed to suit your business needs. With this system, you can quickly sort and categorize your inquiries as per your company’s rules. By utilizing an enquiry management system, you can increase your sales and minimize the amount of time your employees waste on tedious, time-consuming tasks.

An inquiry management system is the best way to manage your business and its customer base. When your sales team spends its days chasing leads, they cannot focus on selling. As a result, your company will experience increased profitability. Whether you are a small startup or a large corporation, an enquiry management system will be a valuable asset.

While an enquiry management system is a great way to enhance your business’s performance, you should be aware of the limitations. For instance, you can only receive a limited number of enquiries, or you may be required to pay for a tier of service.


Readability is a crucial aspect of website design Glasgow. Website visitors need to be able to read easily and quickly. This allows them to navigate the content and find the information they need. It also improves the user experience and helps them connect with your website.

One in four adults are struggling with basic literacy, which is why providing readable content is essential to promoting health literacy. Failure to provide accessible websites can widen health inequalities. However, with simple changes to your practice’s website, you can promote health literacy and make your site more accessible.

A study of 813 general practice websites found that many were difficult to read. More than two-thirds of these pages were written at a reading level below the government’s recommended plain English level.

Researchers analysed the text and layout of each webpage to determine the factors that contributed to the site’s readability. They measured the length of paragraphs and sentences, the amount of contrast between the background and the text, and the amount of hierarchy elements.

Using the correct keywords can make a big difference. A consistent font theme will help avoid confusion for your visitors. Also, you should keep the amount of colours on your web page to a minimum. The more colours you use, the busier your web page will look.

The study identified eight text readability factors that contribute to readability. These include legibility, which measures the size of the words and the sentence structure of the website.

In addition, creating a visual hierarchy is an important part of effective UX design. Borders and whitespace help to create this hierarchy. You can also separate hierarchy elements using single line separators.