Understanding SAP from Chris Salis’ Perspective

Chris Salis Sap

With more than two decades of experience, Chris Salis is a big believer in collective efforts. He is in favor of entrepreneurial growth in the tech industry. As a startup advisor, Salis mentors new startups and novice entrepreneurs. He advises them to target the right market to launch the specific products at the defined time. 

Salis started his career as an IT procurement Manager at the HR department of Adecco Employment Services. Then, he worked as Head of Portfolio Global Vice President & Head of Portfolio at Go to Market at SAP.

Chris Salis has helped in the commercialization of the digital business unit at the SAP. Also, he helped to increase the average sales time with the help of tech innovations from 12 months to just three months. When it comes to SAP, Salis has a lot of knowledgeable insights to share, helping various companies. 

Tech innovation holds priority with Salis. He is a firm believer in innovative solutions and considers them to be quite significant. He recommends the companies must focus on integration, automation, and operation. With the world soon entering 2022leaving the pandemic behind, Chris Salis considers it to be the year of technology reinvestment. The budget and the support team of 2022 will be the same. However, there will be an increase in the number of SAP users. 

Therefore, the success of any company needs to replace manual efforts with automation. Besides, assessing the existing process and maintenance and execution cost can be a better way to evaluate return on investment. 

Today, more and more IT leaders are considering moving to the cloud to accelerate innovation, optimize costs, and reduce complexity and implementation. In coming times, the public cloud platforms, along with various SaaS solutions, will receive substantial investment. Moreover, the businesses are in the process of planning their major investments in the cloud. And the investment will increase in the near future as predicted. 

In addition, companies are waiving off the intense labor associated with customizing and maintaining the different business processes. Instead, they prioritize and deploy the best practices universally that is easy to enable through cloud-based offerings. It is advised to develop both long-term and short-term cloud strategies that won’t affect the longevity of the business. 

Investment and reinvestment in supply chain processes, finance, and ecommerce remain the key thing in business transformation. More organizations want the support of their partners for such initiatives. 

Chris Salis is an SAP expert, tech veteran known for his intelligence, skills, and huge experience. At present, he is applying his expertise to extensive tech experience to help startups around the world to achieve excellence. You can contact him through his official account on LinkedIn for any advice.