How to Apply For ESTA USA Visa Application Online

ESTA USA Visa Application Online
ESTA USA Visa Application Online

Are you looking for the easiest way to travel to the USA? Then you need to apply for the ESTA USA visa application online. As the United States has expanded its borders significantly, there is a need to regulate and certify foreign visitors who come into the country. This new legislation is called the Electronic System for Travel Authorization, or ESTA. ESTA is an automated system that validates whether certain visitors have sufficient documentation to travel to and enter the United States legally.

How to apply for an ESTA USA visa application online?

To apply for ESTA USA Visa, you need to follow three simple steps.

Step 1: Fill out the ESTA application form.

On the official website’s homepage, you will find the application form. Click it, and you will be redirected to the online form. Fill in all the required details accurately, such as your name, date of birth, passport number, and country of origin. Ensure that each field contains the correct information because this information is used in verifying your identity.

Step 2: Details confirmation.

After completing the form, you need to confirm all the details entered. That helps in filtering out mistakes before submission. After confirming all the details, click on submit to proceed to the next step.

Step 3: Pay for the ESTA USA visa and receive your visa code.

The next page is the payment page. You need to enter your credit card details and proceed to pay the fee. After submitting your credit card information, you will receive a verification indicating that your payment was successful.

How long does it take to receive the visa code?

After paying for the ESTA USA visa application online, it takes about 72 hours to receive your confirmation email containing your ESTA approval code and instructions on how to use it. 

What are the main requirements for ESTA visa approval?

It would help if you met some conditions to get an ESTA USA visa. Those conditions include;

1. Be from a country eligible for the visa waiver program

The first essential requirement is that you are from a country eligible for the visa waiver program. You have never been denied an ESTA, or your last US visit was more than two years ago. The list of eligible countries is available on the ESTA website. 

2. Have a valid electronic passport

To get an ESTA, you need to have a valid electronic passport. The passport should be valid for at least six months from the date of the application and should have been issued in the last 15 months.

Where to apply for an ESTA USA visa online?

Several websites claim to help you with your ESTA USA visa application online. To ensure you apply from a reliable website, consider the following factors.

Site reputation

Ask around, or check to see how many people have used their services before. Others will also be able to give you the best advice.


Whether you are paying in US dollars or pounds, ask them about the price of their service to make an informed choice. The lower the price, the better.

Delivery time

Ensure that you get the code delivered to your inbox within 72 hours after submitting your application and payment.

Customer support

Remember, some sites have awful customer support. Always try to contact them before making a purchase.


Applying for an ESTA USA visa online is fast, easy, and secure. You need to follow the steps mentioned above, and you’ll be on your way to enjoying your visit to the theUnited States.