Best Tips for your Visitor Management System

visitor management software in india

Each company will have visitor management software in India that’s specific to their requirements, such as office hours, hours of operation and staffing. If you’re managing a team of 10 or 100, it’s important to follow the same best practices that can simplify and enhance your visitor experience.

The policies for visitors could change to accommodate the requirements of an expanding company (as in the scenario for 2020) to handle global shifts. But, the policies must be constant from day to day. A consistent visitor policy can make it simpler for front desk employees to effectively perform their duties and give security staff an idea of how they can do their job. The policies should contain the following:

  • Check-in and check-out procedures
  • Visitors can access the points of entry
  • How often are visitor logs removed?
  • The types of ID required by visitors
  • In the case of assigning guests to an employee
  • Additional check-in-in-in-check-in-in-in-check- as temperature checks

Conduct Screenings for Health and Safety Screenings

In 2020, the worldwide pandemic caused contactless and low-touch solutions to become crucial to visitor control systems. Logbooks with high-touch technology, which allow everyone to share the same paper and pencil, increase the likelihood of the whole office space becoming sick. As the world moves forward and offices add many more workers, experts say that safety and health screenings won’t disappear shortly. Finding an appropriate health screening to integrate with your check-in procedure for visitors is a must for both your visitors and employees.

Make use of ID badges as identification for visitors.

ID badges can be a simple way for security staff to determine who is allowed to enter the office and who isn’t. But, a surprising number of offices don’t provide visitors with credentials to identify them as visitors. The badge should contain the following details from the visitor:

  • Photo
  • First and last names
  • Date of visit

Additional information, such as a visitor’s name or contact details, may be added based on the security requirements. It is also recommended to take badges from visitors after their visit to avoid the attempt to misuse them.

Automated Visitor Alerts and Messaging System

Front desk employees manage many messages, information, and phone calls messages each day. Informing the staff that someone is there to assist them — particularly in busy times may not be the most efficient method to inform the office about the presence of visitors. With an automated message to staff members when a guest arrives, the front desk employees can focus on the work they must complete.

Check regularly the data Logs to ensure Security Reporting.

The visitor management system makes it simple to analyze guests’ information. Reporting provides security personnel with information about who’s working in your workplace, who they’re often meeting with, and what percentage of guests fail to check out properly. Reports can also assist in keeping your office healthy by offering insight into the most utilized rooms and areas. This information aids in tracing contacts and gives the custodial team information about what areas require a more thorough cleaning.