7 Common Florida Work Injuries


Work injuries are a serious matter — whenever someone suffers an injury at work, it typically results in expensive medical bills and lost income during the recovery period. In more severe cases, it can even result in permanent disability and even a loss of life.

These injuries and deaths are mostly preventable through better working conditions and safety practices. Caution must be exercised, especially if you work in a high-risk industry like construction, manufacturing, waste management, transportation, and healthcare.

If you ever suffer from any of these common Florida work injuries, contact a Florida workers’ compensation lawyer to help you get the compensation you deserve.

Musculoskeletal Injuries From Overexertion

Overexertion results from repeatedly conducting repetitive tasks without adequate rest, which is a common activity in the workplace. This is particularly true in manufacturing or factory work, where workers frequently lift heavy objects or work in non-ergonomic positions.

Strains, sprains, and other forms of ligament damage in the hands, shoulders, or back are typical overexertion injuries. They can be easily resolved if they’re treated early on, and working conditions are improved, but many fail to address them, resulting in chronic or debilitating injury.

Repetitive Motion Injuries

Repetitive motion injuries are a specific subset of musculoskeletal injuries that are unfortunately rather common. Carpal tunnel syndrome and tendinitis fall under this category, which affects many workers that perform repetitive tasks that strain the hands like office workers, assembly line workers, hairstylists, cashiers, and workers that use powerful, vibrating mechanical tools (e.g. rotary hammer drills).

Injuries From Motor Vehicle Accidents

Whether you were in a company vehicle or in your own vehicle, if you were on the clock or within the scope of your employment at the time of a motor vehicle accident, then it counts as a workplace injury. Motor vehicle accidents can result in serious injuries, and in Florida in 2019, it was the injury that saw the most fatalities — out of the 306 people that died from work injuries, 106 of them were related to transportation incidents.

Injuries From Slips, Trips, and Falls

Slips, trips, and falls typically result in minor injuries, but there are instances that they result in head injuries, neck, and spinal cord injuries, and fractures or broken bones in the arms, wrists, legs, or other areas. These injuries often impact your ability to work due to being painful and debilitating.

Injuries From Being Struck by or Against an Object

Your workplace may be occupied by machinery, equipment, vehicles, tools, or other objects that can cause serious damage if you are struck by or against them. The injuries that result from this scenario vary depending on the object, the severity of the impact, and the location of the impact, but the common injuries include bruises, contusions, and lacerations. If the injury was a result of a defective product, a product liability claim may also be applicable.

Burns From Flame, Chemicals, or Toxic Fumes

If you work in an environment where you frequently encounter flame, heat, and toxic chemicals or fumes, you may sustain burns, especially without proper safety precautions or protective equipment. Thermal burns, electrical burns, and chemical burns are all within this category.

Injuries From Workplace Violence

Physical assault from co-workers or customers can also be a cause for a work injury. As it is the employer’s responsibility to provide a safe working environment, employees that are injured due to workplace violence have a right to workers’ compensation.

Get the Workers’ Compensation You Deserve With a Florida Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

Make the process of recovering from your injury easier by contacting an experienced Florida workers’ compensation lawyer. They can review the details of your accident and inform you about the grounds you may have for a case. Don’t let your employer or insurance company deprive you of the workers’ comp you are legally entitled to.